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No Fault: Another Albany Deal to Benefit Those Making It At the Expense of the Unrepresented


Since I don't have any personal experience of it, it has been eye opening to hear, on a few occasions, the views of those whose parents divorced when the were children. It hurt, a great deal. Some are desperate to get married and create the family they were denied. Others have no interest in forming a family.

Under current New York State law, two parents can divorce if it is in their mutual interest and they can agree on the terms, regardless of any concern about the children. Under a new reform just passed by the State Senate, either party will be able to demand a divorce whenever they believe that breaking up the family could provide a better deal (sexual, financial, fun and enjoyment of life). The premise is that if a couple would otherwise make home life so terrible anyway, including the lives of any children, there is “no fault.” The bill is here. Read it over, and show me where in the bill there is any provision concerning itself with the interests and needs of any children. Or any provision that instructs the courts that regardless of whether the children would be worse off if the marriage continued or ended, the parents had failed as such, and thus had a greater obligation going forward to put the children first to offset that damage.

2010 Prime News


This year's edition of Prime News, Prime New York's annual report on the previous year's elections has now been mailed.

For those of you who do not receive it in the mail, you can download a PDF of it at our website –

Please do not use the comments section to point out the typo on page one regarding the Citywide results in the Democratic Primary for Mayor. The Westside’s own Alan Flacks have already done so.

The Gateway (Chuck the Schmuck Edition)


Schmuck Barron? The almost certain impact of Barron's run for Governor will be to draw enough black voters off the Democratic line who never bother to return to it down-ballot to cost the Democrats the State Senate and leaving three white men in "The Room." However, fear that Barron's party name would convey racial exclusivity turned out to be off-base; instead "Freedom Democratic Party" conveys nothing but Old Left nostalgia and memories of Fannie Lou Hamer and 1964 Ole Miss. However, before proceeding with such a purposefully confusing Party name, Barron might want to take a gander at this excerpt from Edward Schwartzman's "Political Campaign Craftmanship” and instead choose a name that won’t get him knocked off the ballot, like the “Psychotic Ego Trip Party“, which has the additional advantage of truth in labeling. Barron Says He’s Running to Protest Cuomo – City Room Blog –

The Gateway (Nothing About Soccer Edition)


New frontiers in pathetic; money quotes: "We are the largest group of SERIOUS Alvin Greene supporters on Facebook. For whatever reason, you have chosen to view or join this group in support of Alvin Greene. The thing that separates this group from others is that we are 100% serious about supporting his candidacy. The m…e…dia, the democratic party of South Carolina, and almost everyone else wont give this guy a chance to breath. Show your support here.

– Mr. Greene holds a BA in Political Science from South Carolina University.
– Mr Greene has served in the Army, in the Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard for 14 years. He has won several awards."

"We have a contact with Mr. Greene, and I am working on figuring out if we could gather some questions from the group and ask them to Mr. Greene if it was ok by him. I wil keep everyone posted." One Million Strong for Alvin Greene

Front Page, Lead Article, NY Times STYLE Section, because, after all, it is, above all else, a fashion statement, right? For American Muslims, Choosing to Wear the Veil Poses Challenges –

One big Mess of a Budget


“Quick Agreement Unlikely on …… Budget Cuts”

“ALBANY — Negotiations over Gov. ………… plan to cut $1 billion out of the current state budget stalled today, legislative leaders said, making it extremely unlikely that a package will be in place for lawmakers to vote on when they return to the Capitol on Monday.

Although leaders of both the Democratic-controlled Assembly and the Republican-led Senate have pledged to make cuts in order to eliminate a budget deficit, disagreements this weekend over where to cut — especially in the political minefield of aid to local school districts — appear to have dissipated their resolve to act quickly.”

Generation Greed: No Limits and No Shame


This is the kind of news you slip out on a Friday, so it will be in Saturday’s paper and read by few. The powers that be in Albany have agreed that local governments in the rest of the state, whose pension contributions are a fraction of those required of New York City, can choose not to make them, and borrow their required contributions from the pension funds instead. Allegedly they will have to pay back that money with interest later – at 4.5 to 5.5 percent interest rate even though the state legislature has asserted by law that pension assets earn 8 percent per year (which is why they can pass one pension enhancement after another and say no one has to pay for them), even though they don’t. But there is a 99.8 percent chance that a few years from now, when localities in the rest of the state are faced with an even more devastating increase in pension costs as a result of this borrowing, they will insist on a state bailout. A bailout with state taxes collected in part in New York City. Which means that New York City residents will help pay for their pension costs, even as our public services are destroyed by our own.

The Gateway (Shabbos Desecration Edition)

Schneiderperson schwims through the schlime w/Schlein. Why is Eric Schneiderman Using Eric Espada's Fixer?
 Personal to Danny O'Donnell; do you think it was hate speech? Rosie O'Donnell & Friends – Helen Thomas Is Right! (And a Victim To Boot)

Chait pastes Lamar Alexander: "It's as if you propose that, in order to get your family out of debt, your 23 year old son living at home gets a job, and the son replies that he likes the part of your idea where he gets paid, but let's leave out the part where he goes to work. This is basically Alexander's case. And he's one of the moderate Republicans! Most of them just deny the science of climate change altogether. The moderate position is that we can fix the problem via magic." Lamar And The Magic Climate Plan | The New Republic

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