Since I don't have any personal experience of it, it has been eye opening to hear, on a few occasions, the views of those whose parents divorced when the were children. It hurt, a great deal. Some are desperate to get married and create the family they were denied. Others have no interest in forming a family.
Under current New York State law, two parents can divorce if it is in their mutual interest and they can agree on the terms, regardless of any concern about the children. Under a new reform just passed by the State Senate, either party will be able to demand a divorce whenever they believe that breaking up the family could provide a better deal (sexual, financial, fun and enjoyment of life). The premise is that if a couple would otherwise make home life so terrible anyway, including the lives of any children, there is “no fault.” The bill is here. Read it over, and show me where in the bill there is any provision concerning itself with the interests and needs of any children. Or any provision that instructs the courts that regardless of whether the children would be worse off if the marriage continued or ended, the parents had failed as such, and thus had a greater obligation going forward to put the children first to offset that damage.