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Truth by its very nature is controversial. And that’s probably because truth has always been subject to individual interpretation. Despite varying perceptions from individual to individual, one can always arrive at the objective truth through common-sense, logic, science, investigation, analysis, reason, technology, and a few other valid and time-tested means. So you see; the truth cannot be hidden all the time: that’s very difficult to accomplish. 

The Mouse That Roared


The two stealth right wing ghouls Wragge and Hill on the CBS Early Show took time out from their inane babble to praise United States Attorney General Holder for exposing overspending by government workers attending a conference.  The workers were overcharged for muffins adding up to $4,000.  $4,000 really?



Scholar Mary Beard talks about how historians try to normalize the ancient Romans.  We try to make them more like ourselves when in fact they were anything but like us.  We watch football on Sundays the Romans slaughtered 60,000 animals for spectators during the first month that the Coliseum was open.

Far Rock-in the Vote


The narrative from those who can’t face the truth and those whose agendas find it convenient is about how pathetically weak David Weprin was as a candidate.

There’s more than a little truth to that, but let’s not let the narrative exceed the facts like some reporters have.

Pat Robertson on Medicaid Planning


According to the Daily News, the popular televangelist said it was OK to divorce a spouse who was suffering with Alzheimer’s, subject to certain conditions. “’I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again – but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her,’ Robertson said.” Now one can debate the ethics of this on several levels, not the least from the point of view of the Gospels, since opposition to divorce is one of the few moral absolutes directly attributed to Jesus. But Robertson is best known not for his philosophical views, but for his political views. His view that God wants taxes to be lower, and public aid to the needy to be diminished. Who, then, is it that foots the bill for custodial care when a spouse refuses to do so?

Medicaid. Divorce is often a part of Medicaid planning, accessing a program purportedly intended for the poor while not actually being or becoming poor. In fact, the taxpayer burden of the custodial care of those who did not make sacrificing for family a priority in healthy adulthood – who went through divorces or became absent parents during their children’s childhood – is one of the most difficult issues we face going forward. What will happen when those children say sorry, but you put yourself first when I needed you, and I’m struggling now, so don’t expect me to diminish my life if great sacrifices are required to ease your later years? Even in New York, where rules have been in place to allow cost shifting to the government without the formality of divorce, this is now recognized – even by many Democrats — as a financial burden this high tax state cannot afford.