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Man Of The Alamo


Texas Governor Rick Perry spastically gesticulates with his hair perfectly feathered like the fur on Davy Crockett’s raccoon skin cap pointing his finger wildly at every major Washington figure from President Obama to the head of the Fed accusing all of treason as if he is the last man standing at the Alamo when it is in fact Perry that is in need of heightened scrutiny for treason because of his crazy eyed rants threatening to take Texas out of the United States of America.

Mirror Mirror On The Wall


The tea baggers are as self absorbed as the compulsive masturbator in the film Boogie Nights.  In their ego’s search for importance first they attempt to grab the mantle of the founding fathers a group that was the very kernel of Liberal Western Thought having hardly much in common with your typical tea bagger.

Another Intriguing Brooklyn Political Story: Sex, Lies, Audio and Videotape (Part One of Two).


Fasten your seatbelts and let me take you on a ride through the politics of East New York, Brooklyn. All the while, do remember this is a serious story worthy of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s attention. In the end, a man’s future is at stake. As far as I know, if this man is convicted, then he has to become a registered sex-offender because of the charges filed against him. However, when you examine everything closely, you do find a strange story with a whole bunch of twists and turns; and with a host of unanswered questions.

Question for U.S. Business: Are You Sure You Want A Republican in 2012?


Within days after Tea Party Republicans nearly drove the federal government into default to gain political advantage, they have been topped by presidential candidate Rick Perry. “Texas Governor Rick Perry, the latest entrant in the fight for the Republican presidential nomination for 2012, said it would be ‘almost treacherous — or treasonous’ for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke to increase stimulus spending before the 2012 election.” Because by helping to prevent recession, doing so might be part of a plot to help Barack Obama win re-election.

Now for reasons of lack of expertise, etc., I generally don’t write about Federal Reserve monetary policy. But since Perry has broken what has been considered a taboo by responsible politicians and politicized that policy, let’s take a look at how the federal funds rate has been changed since 1987 – under Republican Fed chairmen – in the run-up to Presidential elections.

A Plausible Explanation for the “Leadership” We Have


This article in the Financial Times is well worth a read. It is behind a pay wall, so let me hit the highlights (you can register and read the whole thing for free if you want to). Someone told the author that the people of the United Kingdom were mature enough to distinguish between problems caused by long term global trends and the decisions of their leaders. “I question whether such rationality is the norm among the British, American and European peoples. Our societies cherish a gross sense of entitlement…if today’s leaders told their peoples the truth, and articulated the most plausible and bleak scenarios for their economic future, I will bet my socks most would be electorally trounced by rivals claiming to offer panaceas.”

The reality, this author asserts and I agree, is that the “fundamental task is to reconcile electorates to accepting less of everything than they have had in the past.” “We get the political leaders we deserve. Recent evidence suggests that in America, especially, charlatans prosper on the hustings, while good people flinch from exposing themselves to the humiliations and deceits essential to secure public office. Unless or until electorates become more rational, I doubt we shall see leaders much better – though, please God and the Tea Party, no worse – than today.”

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