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The Gateway (Reapportionment Posturing Edition)


I have heard that Shelly Silver thinks Cuomo will keep his word and veto any redistricting done by legislature.

Shelly apparently feels that is preferable to agreeing to a non-partisan commission because he'd rather have the courts do it than a commission.

The reason is allegedly that Cuomo's districting bill explicitly states the Commission can't take incumbency into account while courts have previously ruled that incumbency can be considered.



My Guess On Redistricting


As secretly agreed, I suspect, Cuomo will veto the usual incumbent protection redistricting plan, the legislature will over-ride, Cuomo will condemn, and that will be the end of it. Those who believe there should be actual elections in New York will have to find a way to create them otherwise, and it won’t be easy. Perhaps the media might consider encouraging challengers and challenging incumbents rather than the reverse. Perhaps someone might raise money to provide lawyers when the incumbents work to kick challengers off the ballot. Perhaps the ease of writing in candidates with the new machines might provide an avenue to an actual election. There will be no actual elections if the state legislature can avoid it.



Last week, I informed my editors that after August 31st, 2011, I will no longer be a regular contributor to Room Eight New York Politics. I am taking my columns to a select and semi-public audience. You will just have to subscribe to get them. And there will be no comments-section, since serious readers know how to get their feedback to me: they have been doing it for years. 

Let me explain that further.

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