The Latest



Let me preface this column by saying that I have always been committed to getting term- limits legislation enacted for ALL legislators (federal, state and city/local). I go back many years fighting on this issue. I have written and spoken extensively on this issue: in media, in academia, in public and in private; on radio, on television, in newspapers, magazines, newsletters and on blogs.

Since Mayor Bloomberg’s hijacking of the expressed will of New York City’s voters in 2008, I have now arrived at the position that a 12-year limit should be uniform. Why should he get twelve years, when other mayors cannot?

Tick Tock…The Primary is only days away

Labor Day is now past us, and that means Politics takes center stage. The unofficial start of the fall campaign. The time, that polls show voters really start paying attention.

Race for Governor

Andrew Cuomo appears unstoppable towards the job once held by his father. You name the Category. Cuomo has much higher popularity, name recognition, and is far ahead in fundraising.

It seems like so long ago when Cuomo posted the video statement online announcing his candidacy, promising to change the notoriously shady culture of Albany.

Labor Day 2010


Labor Day 2010


By Michael Boyajian


I grew up in a union household.  My father was a photoengraver.  As kids my brother and sister and I would argue politics around the kitchen table.  Occasionally my father would say, “You can say anything you want but never bad mouth the unions.”  You see the union put food on our table, paid for our healthcare and helped with our educations.

The 42nd Assembly District in Brooklyn: Is an upset in the making?


If you had asked me about four months ago, what were Michele Adolphe’s chances of  defeating 32-year incumbent Rhoda Jacobs in the upcoming primary, I would have told you she had two chances: very slim and none. In fact, I had spoken to Mr. Very Slim quite early in this contest, and he told me that he was going on vacation: so go figure.

Of course this was based on a very objective analysis of previous races between these two candidates. Ms. Adolphe has faced the voters twice, and was soundly defeated by Ms. Jacobs both times. In one race there was a third candidate on the ballot (Zacary Lareche), and Michele ran dead last. Then there was at least one other time when she was knocked of the ballot, after her signatures (petitions) were challenged in court. So Michele’s record is spotty at best.

Dining Around the World


Dining Around the World


By Michael Boyajian


I don’t have to travel to the United Nations to experience world peace.  I do not have to go to an airport to travel to distant lands in search of understanding of different cultures.  I merely have to dine at an ethnic restaurant to learn something about my fellow human beings.



I am doing these columns now, in order to set the record straight and clear up some misconceptions out there. I want to believe that most of those who are seriously involved in NYC politics, know that I am an insurgent to the core. I hardly ever endorse electeds. There have been one or two exceptions over the years, but for the most part I feel strongly that most incumbents (especially the black ones) are incompetent, inept, unimaginative, trifling and corrupt. Thus I have written extensively about the need to replace most of them. Nothing has been done over the last decade to make me change this point of view.



On January 15th earlier this year, I wrote a column inspired by a press conference which was held a day earlier, at Brooklyn’s Borough Hall. You see, an avalanche of elected officials had converged on us here in Brooklyn, in response to the natural cataclysm in Haiti: the devastating earthquake of 12th January, 2010. 

Congresswoman Yvette Clarke had convened the event, and anyone who was anyone in politics was there. They all made grand speeches pledging to help the suffering Haitians. From Senator Kirsten Gellibrand; to congressmen Meeks, Towns and a few others of that ilk; to state senators; state assembly members; city council members; and various district leaders; they were all in unison with their pledges of aid and support.

Greater Mediterranean Economic Zone: A Continuum


Greater Mediterranean Economic Zone:  A Continuum


By Michael Boyajian


With the EU merged with the Middle East and North Africa in my previously proposed Mediterranean Economic Zone the question is what happens next?  Several things can now occur beginning with the 800 pound gorilla in the room, Russia.  Russia must join the EU or what has now become the Greater Mediterranean Zone eventually spreading the zone east into the Far East providing trade linkage with China, Japan, Taiwan and the Koreas.

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