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Introducing “The Gate-Way”:


In a recent appearance on “The Perez Notes,” I was asked why local NYC political blogs no longer attracted the enthusiasm they commanded during the halcyon Golden Age of the Politicker back in the ancient days of 2005. There were many things to blame and I repeated my usual suspects–which is that fragmentation, mostly caused by Ben Smith, had destroyed the community which Ben Smith had created. It seems these days the only way to get a good thread going is to have a trivial snit with a psychopath over practically nothing.

But I also cited a macro cause. People had moved on.

A World with a Heart of Gold


A World with a Heart of Gold


By Michael Boyajian


When I was a teenager in the 1970s on Long Island my friends and I would spend our days on the south shore beaches body surfing.  Then at night we would head up to the rocky north shore beaches to hang out with Thin Lizzy’s The Boys Are Back in Town playing in our ears. 

Germany as European Union Catalyst


Germany as European Union Catalyst


By Michael Boyajian


Talk in the New York Times has it that Germany is shaking its cage within the European Union.  To offset the German economic behemoth a balance must be reached by bringing Russia into the E.U.  Yes, it’s time to start talking about the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

The Perfect 1-2 punch


If State Republicans were not already facing enough of an uphill battle, what in the world are they going to do to combat the Andrew Cuomo-Rochester Mayor Robert Duffy ticket?

You have to tip your hat to Cuomo, this selection is good.

New York City voters may not initially be impressed, but upstate is. Upstate often feels neglected when it comes to downstate, and downstate dominated political tickets. But now, they not only have the popular Cuomo (based on polls) but one of their own.

Letter Writing the Road to Peace


Letter Writing the Road to Peace


By Michael Boyajian


When I was a little boy I signed up with an organization that brought together people as pen pals.   This was before email and people as pen pals would exchange letters via snail mail.


I was all excited as I checked my mailbox every day awaiting a letter from my new pen pal who at that point was unknown to me.  Then one day a letter arrived from a distant land.  It was from a Turkish girl and she enclosed a photo of herself in a swim suit. 

Climate Change Trauma


Climate Change Trauma


By Michael Boyajian


The New York Times recently reported that Britons are now more likely not to believe in climate change.  This is a complete reversal from just a few years ago.


Why the turnaround even in the face of evidence of climate change like the melting poles and drowning polar bears?   Perhaps the task of turning around this global catastrophe has become so daunting that like a patient with terminal cancer Britons have become resigned to the fact that stopping climate change is impossible and therefore all you can do is hope for the best.

No End to the Fraud


"The budget may be stalled, parks may be closed but public employees might soon be able to take early retirement" according to the Albany Times-Union. "The 55/25 bill would allow state workers as well as local public employees to retire at age 55 after 25 years of service without penalty…The measured passed in the Assembly Monday and may be reviewed in a key Senate."

So they cut the number of people on the job, services are gutted, and rather than have to deal with the consequences, Generation Greed gets to ride off to Florida. 'Supporters are confident the bill will pass in the Senate, too, especially considering that it's a potential cost-saver." Like all the other pension deals? Then how come taxes are rising while services are being gutted –to pay for the soaring cost of those retired?

Be Careful, Andrew


On Tuesday, Liz Benjamin quoted Frank McKay, Chairman of the New York state Independence as saying, when endorsing Andrew Cuomo for Governor.

“I believe strongly that he’ll be the next governor, and we’re proud to hold his coat on the way to the governor’s mansion.”

My advice to Andrew – if McKay or any of the other grifters who run the Independence Party ever hold your coat, check to make sure your wallet is still there afterwards!